Tech company Xiaomi not only tops the Indian smartphone market, but also in the smart home devices segment, Xiaomi has launched many devices. A teaser has now been shared by the Chinese brand, which has revealed that Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner is going to launch in India on 17 April. Before launching this device officially on Friday, the company has created a hype about it on social media handles and is teasing it.
The first generation Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner was launched in 2016 by Xiaomi on behalf of Xiaomi. The company has also done many upgrades to this original product and now this robot can be launched in the Indian market. There could not be better timing for the company to launch this cleaning device because due to the spread of coronavirus, people are taking more care of cleanliness besides social distancing and lockdown.
Tech Company Xiaomi to launch Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Glimpse in teaser
A video teaser has been shared on Xiaomi’s social media accounts by Xiaomi. However, it has not been clear in the teaser that the Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner is going to be launched in India. This device is definitely pointed out in a short video of 13 seconds and its sketch is also visible while the floor is cleaned. If we look at the records of Xiaomi, then the 2019 model of Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner can be launched in India.
Price may be stretched
The price of this Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner in China is priced at 1,799 yuan (about Rs 19,500). It offers sweeping and mopping modes, sweeping-only modes and mopping-only modes, for which a Japan-made brushless motor comes with 2,100Pa suction. This Robo Cleaner, which comes with Laser Detection System (LDS), can also be controlled remotely with the help of a smartphone. After the announcement, the company would like to start its sale soon and it can also be purchased from Mi Home Store along with e-commerce sites.