Every day we all experience colour. Colour. In everything from flowers to art, we notice its beauty. It sets the mood in our rooms and offices most frequently trafficked. In many situations, even in applications like traffic lights, this dictates our behaviour.
You can hear that colour psychological is one of the main aspects in the world of web design and digital marketing, depending on who you are talking to. Or perhaps you hear that colours don’t matter, and people who sell you on the earlier idea exaggerate the colour effects.
So how much does colour have when a web site is designed and your brand creates online content? It’s a difficult thing.
Color Psychology’s Legitimacy
The legitimacy of colour psychology is one of the most important concepts to examine in answering this question. In short, is it true that some colours trigger human mood, thought and behaviour changes?
The short answer is yes, colours can and do influence human conduct. In a number of studies, this has been shown clearly. For example, colour is one of the most important instruments that people have, at least from a biological point of view, for determining the edibility of food. Bread tends to sell better when wrapped in packages that make it look fresher or cooked, more like a golden brown.
However, science is far more complex when it comes to how colours influence mood and human decision-making. While blue is commonly said to be linked to calmness and red to excitation, it is not clear whether these effects are profound or typical and whether social culture is responsible. If we say that blue calms for a long time, we can truly notice a change in the way people view blue simply because of a popular perception.
The fact that different cultures see colours in various ways strengthens this idea. Much of this refers to the way we describe colour and words in language.
A simple principle emerges in studies which follow this phenomenon. When colours are described as having “clean” or “calming” qualities and/or when subjectively like those colours, they are much more likely to deal with those colour-prone things – for example, if you like the colour blue, you are more likely to buy a blue product in store (or, more related to the topic at hand, click a blue button).
So, what does all this mean for the digital marketing world for our debate on colour psychology?
As far as the colour of human thoughts, feelings, and actions is concerned, it is obvious, but science is not final.
Branding and coherence
There is a digital marketing area in which choices of colours are extremely important, at least to some extent: branding. A number of important purposes are covered by your brand. It is aimed at characterising and defining your brand concisely. Over time, it should be known and recognisable. And it is also responsible for shaping your company’s initial impressions.
That makes it one of the most important marketing choices you will face to choosing the colours associated with your company. Do you want colours that will calm and comfortable your target audience? Or colours that stimulate and stimulate it? You are.
Contrasting Role
Some studies indicate that people are more likely to enter (or convert) a landing page if the call-to-action (CTA) is a specific colour (e.g., red is more likely to convert than green). However, other studies have doubted these claims, showing that the exact colour does not affect converting rates in statistics.
One important principle, however, appears to be clear: strong colour contrast tends to influence engagement. It should be an intuitive concept. You might not notice the button if it has a light green button on a slightly green background – if you do, it may not be important. But if a red one exists
Key Acquisitions
These are the major revision steps in order to use colours correctly in your website design and marketing:
For colour psychology it is important, but not in stone. Color can undoubtedly influence human conduct, but it is not as individual as you might think. For example, the effects on people of Green are not universal or easy to predict.
Perception is greatly influenced by cultural and personal differences. When you have grown up in a world in which no words are associated with green but blue is associated with stops, you can go away with a totally different colour relationship than somebody from the USA.